ISIN Code Sector Financial Services
Ticker Subsector Banks
Speaker Juan Ignacio Gonzalez (Investor Relations Officer)
Private Meetings Juan Ignacio Gonzalez (Investor Relations Officer)
Profile Grupo Financiero Inbursa, starts in 1965 with the incorporation of Inversora Bursatil, (Brokerage House), today consolidated as a market leader. . In 1992, Grupo Financiero Inbursa is created, and it is considered one of the principal financial intermediaries in Mexico. In an effort to diversify the financial services of the group, Banco Inbursa (Banking Institution), was formed in 1993, as a complement to the operations of the rest of the companies of the group.. Evolution and growth has been constant and determinant factors in Grupo Financiero Inbursa"s history, where experience, solidity, creativity, and the daily effort to improve are present, confirming our compromise with Mexico.
Web http://www.inbursa.com.mx
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